


Available for member use on select workstations at the space.

Free Software

Some computers may have these installed.

  • PrusaSlicer – Convert 3D models for 3D printing
  • Inkscape – Vector graphics
  • LibreOffice – Word processing, spreadsheets, draw, math, slide presentations
  • Blender – 3D modelling, rendering, art, animation

Computer Workstations

  • Computers setup at denhac are for members to use.
  • Not all of computers at denhac will support all of the above software.
  • Refer to the wiki of each area at denhac for details about the workstations.

Computer & Workspace Tips

  • Bring a USB drive or upload your files to a cloud account (our internet is fast!)
    • If you need to transfer your files to another work station, use denNAS.
  • Please do not disable a workstation by borrowing its keyboard and mouse.
  • Feel free to swap in your personal mouse and keyboard while working, but please replace the originals when finished.


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