Note: For equipment trainings, you can also reserve your ticket from our training calendar, or using the link in the event below. You need to be a member and signed in to view/reserve available spots.

If you do not see a training event posted for a machine you’d like training on, please post in the relevant #help- channel on slack and we will get a training posted to this schedule that you can sign up for.

Tuesdays 8PM – 10PM
Open House
Pop in, meet the members and get a tour of our space. This is your best chance to get your ID checked by a board member if you signed up online.
Tuesdays 8PM – 10PM
Work from denhac Day
Work remotely? Need a little human interaction? Grab your laptop and join us for Work from denhac days.
Last Saturday of Every Month
Hack denhac
A regularly scheduled time to improve the space. Sometimes we will have dedicated projects, sometimes it will be just a chance to make it better than it was. All members are empowered and encouraged to focus on things they feel will help the space. Lunch is provided by the space. Personal projects are not allowed during this time.
Last Saturday of Every Month
Every 2nd Tuesday
Want to learn lock picking in a relaxed and social setting? All skill levels welcome, and we provide a community pool of tools for borrowing during this hands-on class. Free and open to the public.
Every 2nd Tuesday
First Tuesday of the month
Board Meetings
The Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss policy and to set general direction for the space, currently on the first Tuesday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend and give feedback during discussions, but only Board members get to vote. Members become eligible to run for Board seats after three months of membership in good standing.
First Tuesday of the month